Falaa Gold: Improves Immunity And Increases Energy During Pregnancy

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Falaa Gold: Improves Immunity And Increases Energy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of immense joy and excitement for a woman, but it is also a time of significant physical and emotional changes. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a series of changes, including hormonal fluctuations and an increase in blood volume. These changes can put a strain on the body and make it more susceptible to illnesses and infections.

As a result, many pregnant women experience a weakened immune system, which can make them more vulnerable to diseases and infections. This is particularly true during the first trimester when the body is adjusting to the changes brought on by pregnancy. During this time, many women experience fatigue and reduced energy levels, which can make it difficult to carry out daily activities.


Falaa Gold capsule is a meticulously planned product that contains a combination of natural ingredients that work together to nourish the body, check nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy, improve energy levels and immunity. It is a safe and effective supplement that can help mothers-to-be navigate the various challenges of pregnancy.


One of the key ingredients of Falaa Gold is SwarnaBhasma also known as SuvarnaBhasma or incinerated gold contains nano-sized gold particles and is believed to have a range of health benefits. Traditionally, SwarnaBhasma is believed to enhance immunity and is also known for its ability to reduce general weakness and anemia, which are common issues during pregnancy. Moreover, it is thought to be the best rejuvenator because it promotes healthy aging.

 Other ingredients include: 

  • GarbhapalRas, which is believed to strengthen the ligaments that hold the uterus in place. This is particularly important as the uterus grows in size to accommodate the developing fetus, and the ligaments need to be strong enough to support this extra weight. 
  • ShivlingiBeej, which is a uterine tonic and is believed to improve the chances of conception in women who suffer from infertility. This is because ShivlingiBeej helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and improve the health of the reproductive system. 
  • MotiPishti is an excellent source of calcium. Calcium is an important nutrient during pregnancy, as it helps to build strong bones and teeth in the developing fetus. MotiPisti also has a cooling effect on the body and can help relieve symptoms of acidity and heat disorders.
  • Bargad or Banyan helps manage blood glucose levels and also helps with nausea and vomiting. 



Falaa Gold is a pregnancy supplement that is specifically formulated to support the unique needs of pregnant women. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that work together to nourish the body and improve energy levels and immunity. The suggested dosage of Ban Labsโ€™ Falaa Gold is 2 capsules on an empty stomach with milk for 10 days after the confirmation of pregnancy and not eat anything for half an hour after taking the capsule. However, it is always important to consult your healthcare provider before taking new supplements or medications during pregnancy.


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